Wenchuang IP authorized to cross-border cooperation, new style, Tmall will push more new museum products

On January 18th, Tmall announced that it will launch the "Tmall New Wenchuang" program in 2019 to help commercialize the Wenchuang industry and reach more consumers. In addition to helping Wenchuang IP to generate more interesting innovations through data analysis, the million-brand merchants on Tmall also constitute a rich business ecosystem, providing a broad test for the cross-border cooperation of Wenchuang IP. Water space.

In the future, Tmall's new retail capabilities will also enter the cultural and creative industries, including the construction of new retail positions in the cultural and creative industries with the national treasures. Tmall will also work with major museums to create a smart museum, allowing consumers to experience VR, AR and other black technologies in the physical exhibition area.

The British Museum brought Christmas performances to Tmall members. After the choir performance, each member received a gift from Santa Claus.

Wang Fei, head of home textiles at Tmall's Meijia Business Unit, said that the "Tmall New Culture" program aims to bring new IP products to the cultural heritage. “Wen Chuang is already an excellent way to make the national treasure element 'active' among young people. This kind of 'culture with a sense' caters to the consumption needs of young people in the moment.” With Wenchuang IP in the sky Cats continue to innovate, cross-border and the opening of cultural open classes, Tmall will form an IP cultural and ecological front, and Chinese traditional culture will continue to be carried forward and carried forward under the leadership of Tmall.

In 2018, for Tmall, it was a first year on the IP of the museum. In addition to the entrance of the British Museum, a large number of museums, including the National Palace Museum, were reborn in Tmall.

As of the end of 2018, the National Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, the National Museum of China, the Summer Palace, the Shaanxi Museum of History, the Suzhou Museum of History, the Museum of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the Shanghai Museum, the V&A Museum, and other 11 museums have been stationed in Tmall. Tmall has become a Chinese and foreign museum. Embrace the first platform of digitization. These museums have nearly 3 million fans on Tmall, and 2 of them have visited more than 10 million visitors a year.

Today, cultural and creative products are increasingly popular with consumers. The British Museum is the first overseas museum to open in Tmall. Its official Tmall flagship store will be put into trial operation on July 1, 2018. In just two weeks, it rushed to the industry's first place. It took only 16 days, and all the goods were sold out. Up to now, 480,000 fans have been accumulated. Five months later, the British Museum and Tmall announced at a press conference in London that they would establish a deeper business partnership in China.

Richard Lambert, Chairman of the British Museum, and Jia Luo, General Manager of Tmall's Operating Platform Division, and the head of Wenyuan Wenyuan, the source of Wenhua, attended the signing ceremony.

On December 17th, the Wenbo exploration program “National Treasure” also went from Yinping to Tmall, and opened the official flagship store “Hello History” in Tmall. In addition to the Muyan Cup in the first time of the Tmall, the "Beauty Bubble" tea bag, the three-dimensional notes showing the murals of the Tang Tomb, and the ink fragrance that redefines the "Oriental taste". In addition to the products, the National Treasures also cooperates with brands such as Paradise Umbrella, Xiaoya Speaker, Duanmu Liangjin, and well-known artists such as Geng Guangxi and the Copper Age, so that the national treasure can truly “live” and “trend” to meet the cultural needs of consumers. .

National Treasure & Tmall Conference Live _meitu_5

The data shows that from January to October 2018, the number of users searching for "museum" on Tmall and Taobao platforms was 2.15 times that of the same period in 2016. In the consumer of consumer goods, it is a group of young people who live in China's first- and second-tier cities and have strong spending power, of which more than seven become female users.

When referring to the cause of the fire in the Forbidden City, the president of the Palace Museum, Shan Yuxiang, believes that the secret is "meng" and the royal culture is "grounded", that is, Wenchuang products must have elements of the Forbidden City, not only to sprout, but also to be grounded. Gas, to be practical.

“More and more young people express their individuality through the museum's cultural products.” The industry believes that young Chinese consumers are no longer just concerned about the goods themselves, they are more concerned about the cultural core brought by the goods. Behind the scenes of museums, the rise of the country's new creative power, the "new cultural creation" of cultural empowerment business has arrived.

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