Preparation before starting the salt spray test chamber

The correct use of the salt spray test chamber can effectively extend the life of the equipment and ensure the correct test data. Before using the salt spray test chamber for experiments, preparations should be made to ensure that the test can be carried out normally.

1. Check whether the water pipe between the storage tank and the sprayer in the working room is well connected, and add the prepared salt solution (generally prepared at a concentration of 5%) into the storage tank.

Add distilled water or deionized water to the bottom of the heating tank in the bottom of the studio to prevent the box from aging and aging.

2. The water seal groove around the upper part of the box should be filled with distilled water or deionized water. It should not be too full, not too little. When the lid is closed, the water and salt spray are not spilled.

3. Add distilled water or deionized water to the stainless steel barrel. Open the bleed valve and the saturator water supply valve before adding water. The height of the water level should be 4/5 of the water level glass box. When adding to the specified water level, it must be closed. Deflate the valve while closing the saturator fill valve. Due to long-term test, the water content of the saturator is evaporated. When the water level is reduced to 2/5, the water should be replenished in time to prevent the heating tube from being burnt due to lack of water, and the saturator and internal heating point components are baked.

4. Check the fogging condition of the exhaust pipe at the rear of the box; whether the air pipe is detached, whether the outlet is open to the sewer; whether the pipeline is blocked; so as not to affect the salt spray.

5. Check the connection between the gas source and the stainless steel barrel; whether the connection between the gas source and the sprayer is off, to prevent the gas from overflowing or the shortage of gas supply.

6. Open the lid and place the sample correctly on the sample holder in the working chamber (10% from the surrounding chamber wall). Keep a certain distance between the sample and the sample, so that the exposed surface area of ​​the sample is >98%, and then close the lid.

7. Set up the funnel inside the box to check whether the connecting pipe between the funnel and the fog collector is smooth and intact, and can not affect the collection of salt spray settlement.

Before the salt spray test chamber is started, it should be prepared one by one according to the above seven points. In addition, it should be noted that the saturated barrel should not be mistakenly added to the brine when it is filled with pure water, otherwise it will cause the saturated barrel to rust and cannot be used normally.

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