"Love" underwear store display, real charm Jiao Wa

Well-known underwear brand love located in Beijing Jinyuan Shopping Mall store display. This is a larger store brand love, including love of beauty, La Clover, love the three brands of underwear area. The three regions have distinct characteristics. In the same shop how to distinguish the area clearly is a test of the designer of a challenge, in this shop in love, the designer through the three brands of different images and positioning, the region will be divided by the color is very clear. La Clover sexy image attractive, the brand also chose to symbolize the mature, mysterious black. White light and black in stark contrast, at the same time such a match is also the elegant representative color, reflects the brand's cultural connotation. Sofa and floor with a little red, pure red passion and deep, increasing the passion in black and white color, more in line with the needs of underwear store display. And in the adoration of the main brand admiration of the display area, then quite satisfactory manner in order to display a variety of products. Lighting and front cabinet are the best ways to attract consumers. In this exhibition area, the back light is very bright and plays a strong visual impact. Meanwhile, the light box posters also play a role in the decoration of the storefront. The volume of underwear goods are not large, it is difficult to see from a distance, light boxes posters set off the theme of the entire store. Love is a beautiful young love brand, which is located in a young, stylish, young girl, so love in the beautiful display area, lively, beautiful is the main style. Model rich expression, underwear colorful color is the best props contrasting lively atmosphere, relaxed and active atmosphere in the model filled with the face to be highlighted. Love - make women more beautiful