How to say goodbye to your fat on the lower abdomen

Belly fat is a big pain for many women. Eat food, lack of exercise and other unhealthy habits, will lead to the accumulation of fat on the stomach. Want to lose belly fat, do you know how to do it? Xiao Fei share, quickly to do it! 1 diet First of all, from the habit of living, do not overeating, develop good eating habits, eat more meals, regular quantitative. Do not eat too full dinner, walk or do some exercise after a meal, but do not strenuous exercise. Try not to eat supper. 2 sports Insist on every night to do 10-20 minutes sit-ups, there is a good effect of burning belly fat. However, attention should be paid to action, buttocks, buttocks will become larger. Thin girls, you can try newspaper yoga classes, or practicing yoga at home, is a very good way to keep fit. 3 theory of traditional Chinese medicine - consider maintenance veins Often consider the maintenance veins, a lot of benefits. First, it is conducive to the metabolism of fat, reducing the production of fat, especially for the abdomen and waist fat on both sides of the slimming more miraculous. Second, it can increase intestinal peristalsis, for constipation people have a good laxative effect. 4 with the body wearing a healthy body When you bring the pulse, and then with a body management built to tighten your fat, to help metabolize the body of toxins, Goberti health body contains built-in healthy magnet, warm palace nursing palace, and effectively improve the abdominal environment, Help gastrointestinal motility, easy to say goodbye abdomen fat. The above method with a healthy body, I believe you will soon have a flat lower abdomen.