Sunscreen really sunscreen it?

Sunscreen really sunscreen it? This summer, the popularity of sun protection clothing is soaring. The sales volume has remained high and the price range is also ranging from high to low. Is sun protection clothing really effective? The following Xiao Bian analyzes with everyone.

1. Clothing made from regular sunscreen fabrics will have a clear UV protection factor on its clothing label. In the purchase of UV textile and apparel products, we must first look at the product manual with or without product UV protection function introduction, if there is UV protection function, check the inspection report to confirm whether the product meets the national standard requirements. The main index of reference for sunscreens is the upf index. UPF (UV protection factor) > 30, T(UVA) should be selected for textile and apparel products (ie, the ratio of transmitted flux to incident flux when the ultraviolet wavelength of sunlight is 315cm to 400cm. ) <5% of products. None of the sales on the market are clearly marked.

2. The color of the clothes can also affect the sunscreen performance, the sunscreen performance of the yellow color is the lowest, and the black and red sunscreen clothes are relatively better. Sun protection clothing is generally thin and transparent, so there is no sun protection effect.

3. Experts pointed out that general professional protective clothing can play a role in UV protection and radiation protection, but it is expensive and suitable for special populations. Most people do not need it. At present, some of the hot sun protection clothing may be the concept of business speculation, to a certain extent, this sun protection clothing just play the role of ordinary long-sleeved shirt sunscreen.

Therefore, the low-cost sun-protective clothing on the market is definitely not sun-protective.


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