Love - 2009 spring and summer lingerie released a series of trends

Discovery is the origin of creation, miracles originated from the reorganization of all things in the world, let us regain away from the reality of the soul, return to nature, to gain a true, to discover the true beauty of me! 09 spring and summer love to "DISCOVERY" as the theme of fashion trends, reinstalling fashion with a new perspective, with a more natural, more simple, simpler and more popular "new" elements of the interpretation of this theme - "Discovery" brought Not only the eyes can see, but also a positive attitude to the beauty of life, is the awareness of love, is the perception of happiness ... ...


The awareness of environmental protection more and more attention, adore in the trend of release, most of the fabrics used for the newly developed renewable fibers, together with the special custom top lace, fully integrated the modern fashion and the "green" theme.