Five steps of blanket cleaning

Blankets are different from ordinary bedding because of their special materials, so they require better maintenance and proper washing methods. So how do you wash the blanket? Next, I will explain the cleaning method of the blanket.
How to wash the blanket - five steps
1. Soak the blanket in a neutral soap powder or lotion, soak it in water of about 20 degrees for half an hour, then gently squeeze out the water for sputum, and finally need repeated cleaning;
2, the cleaning of the blanket can be added a small amount of white vinegar during the washing, which can ensure the bright color of the blanket;
3. After the blanket is cleaned, it is necessary to comb the fluff of the blanket with a soft hair brush;
4, if the blanket is not contaminated, you can use the sun to kill, but avoid exposure;
5, after the blanket is cleaned, it is best to dry it by nature, and it is forbidden to expose it to the sun.
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How to wash the blanket - precautions
First of all, the blanket must not be bleached, which will affect the softness of the blanket; if it is to be machine washed, it is best to put the blanket into the net bag for cleaning, which can ensure the shape of the blanket well; the blanket is best not to dry. Natural drying is best, forbidden to expose to the sun; if there is only a little stain, it is recommended to wipe with a towel, do not wash all, because the number of blanket cleaning should not be too much.
How to wash the blanket - cleaning agent selection
First of all, the blanket cleaning agent should choose a larger capacity because the blanket is larger in volume and the amount required for cleaning is larger; then the neutral detergent is used, and the acid or alkaline will affect the felt; finally, A cleaning agent that does not contain bleaching is used because the blanket is not suitable for bleaching, which affects the softness of the felt.
How to wash the blanket - the number of cleaning
The number of blanket cleanings should be reduced as much as possible, because the number of cleanings will affect the warmth of the blanket and change its shape. Therefore, the cleaning of the blanket is preferably as small as possible. If it is possible, it can be used once every six months.
How to wash the blanket - related knowledge
Usually, the storage blankets should be folded neatly and placed in a dry and non-staining place. In addition, the blankets can be used to comb the fluff of the blankets after a period of use, which can restore the softness and warmth of the blankets; the cleaning times of the blankets should be minimized. Otherwise, it will reduce the life of the blanket.

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